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In brief


Creative Arts Workshop Facilitation: Physical and Visual Theatre, Performance Making
Producer Arts and Culture

Artistic Leadership
Community and Cultural Development Consultation, Codesign, Delivery and Project Management
Group Facilitation
Stakeholder Engagement
Event Management
Youth Engagement and Mentoring
Volunteer Coordination
Strategic Planning and Business Development
Marketing and Communications: Graphic Design, Website Development, Social Media Strategy, Media and Press Liaison, crowd funding.
Communications and Professional Writing: Media Releases, Local, State, Federal, Private Sector submissions, copywriting, report writing for government and research projects, website and online platforms copy and content management.
Financial Management: budgets, reports, reconciliation.
Governance - Previous company secretary, and chairperson

Ability to coordinate large scale and complex projects and events
Ability to respond effectively to complex working environments
Ability to work in sensitive cultural environments
Ability to communicate with a broad range of stakeholders
Comfortable Leader and supportive team member



1999 Kinesiology Touch for Health 1& 2

2000 Bachelor of Behavioural Science Latrobe University, Psychology and Sociology Major 

2005 Graduate Diploma of Performance Making, Victorian College of the Arts,

Major Project: The arts as a platform for diverse community participation

2011 Social Circus Instructor Training, NICA

2015 Certificate III Microbusiness Management, Australian Business Development Centre

2019-2023 Somatic Movement Educator, Body Mind Centering (Current Studies)


Boards / Committees:

Castlemaine Circus Inc, Founding Chairperson November 2013-January 2014 

Mount Alexander Sustainability Group (MASG) Committee of Management 2015

Growing Abundance Committee of Management 2021 (current)





Teaching Artist

2013 – Current Trainer, Castlemaine Circus

Inhouse classes and outreach programs for ages 18months to older adult.


2016-2018 Artistic Associate, Castlemaine Youth Theatre

Facilitating devising, theatre and performance workshops to youth ensembles 11-14years & 15-18years with Artistic Director Kirstie Babbage.


2014 Artistic Director, The Little Movers and Makers Project, Outback Theatre for Young People (OTYP)

This unique project is being created with the Jindamelk Koorie Families playgroup in Deniliquin, NSW. To create an interactive work of visual theatre performed by a youth cast for a very young audience, resulting in The Grandma Tree, My responsibilities were artistic direction, workshop facilitation, program codesign and delivery, stakeholder engagement.

2010-2014 Workshop Facilitator, OTYP, Hay, Deniliquin, Barham, Griffith, Ivanhoe, Balnarald, NSW.

Workshops with young people within school, afterschool, school holiday and one day events across Theatre making, Design, Drama, Movement, Puppetry. 


2007-2010 Workshop Facilitator – Polyglot Theatre, Vic

Designed and led workshops with young people across visual theatre, puppetry and interactive theatre, and creative development processes.


2006-2007 Workshop Facilitator/Program Development, Typo Station, Vic Worked with staff and young people from different communities in developing new creative arts based programs that explored goal setting, leadership, self esteem, group dynamic.


Artistic Leadership

2017 Creative Producer, ‘Move On’ for Art Is.. Festival, Horsham Vic
Director Jens Alteimer, led a 6week development with community members, including primary aged and adolescent young people, CALD
community groups, and adults with a disability. As Creative Producer I directed content development for the outcome which involved 8 community performers, 12 volunteers, and the creative team with an 80m long chain reaction constructed by and with participants.


2015 Artistic Director, Atopia, Castlemaine Circus and Punctum Inc

Young people from the Mount Alexander Shire developed a new work of physical and visual theatre, with local artists Sam Thomas, Michelle
Heaven and Lisa Mills.


2013 Lead artist, Castlemaine State Festival Concrete Poetry Installation

Working with 1300 local school children to create a large scale installation exploring the visual poetry of the 'elements.'


2013 Movement Director, ‘Trace’ Castlemaine State Festival 

Created a site-specific movement and interactive video work with young people from Castlemaine that was featured in the Castlemaine State Festival Program. Attracted audiences of over 800 people over the 2 night season.


2011 Coordinator, Castlemaine State Festival Children’s Day Parade and Picnic, Vic

Coordinated large scale outdoor event and the associated community program, liaising with visual artists, performers, musicians, festival staff, schools, sponsors, production team.


2010 – 2011 Artistic Director, Outback Theatre for Young People, Hay NSW

Based in Hay, NSW, for 2 years, this role was responsible for liaising with project partners and community to deliver a multi arts project that had outcomes including: a new public light box gallery in the main street, a youth festival, a gallery of young people’s photography, the creation and presentation of films made in the local landscape and a finale event presenting plays developed by young people.


2008 – 2013 Fiesta Director, The Village Festival, Vic

New Years Fiesta at the Falls Festival involving over 500 participants.

Co-director of the People’s Show, which saw 300 community based actors and children involved.


Arts and Business Management 

Jan 2019-November 2020: co-Coordinator, cohealth Arts Generator, Vic
Supporting Community and Cultural Development Officers and contracted project teams to manage projects at varying scales and stages of delivery, with multiple stakeholders and accountabilities. Mentoring occurs at every level at cohealth Arts Generator, through direct supervision and also responsive professional development.  The capacity and growth of individuals and the program as a whole is a priority of the coordinator role.
Responsibilities include: partnership brokerage, strategic communications, grant writing and acquittals, presentations, editing submissions to university research collaborations and academic journals, financial management, marketing coordination, mentoring.

2014-2017 Associate Producer, The Marruk Project

In its 5th year of project activities, the award winning Marruk Project is an Aboriginal led arts project engaging young people and elders from Swan Hill from local Aboriginal, European/Anglo and Culturally Diverse Communities. My responsibilities included grant writing, artistic leadership, evaluation. Stakeholder engagement.


2011-2013 Creative Producer, Outback Theatre for Young People, South West NSW.

This role required the design and delivery of 3 major projects per year in consultation with young people (4 – 26years) and families, community stakeholders and partners; management of day to day company operations, administration, financial management, securing funding, marketing and governance.


2007 – 2010 Program Manager, Polyglot Theatre, Vic

Produced the outreach and communities program in partnership with schools, local governments and service providers, targeting young people in communities with socio-economic disadvantage.


Creative Producer


2014 Producer, The Book of Shadows 

Intercultural collaboration between Darwin based and Indonesian puppeteers and theatre artists, with outcomes at the Darwin Festival and at the Browns Mart Arts Ltd Shimmer Season.  My responsibilities include fundraising, grant writing, project design and delivery, liasing with stakeholders, sponsorship and marketing.


2010 Creative Producer ‘Weavings’, Regional Arts Conference Opening Ceremony, Launceston Tas

Opening event of the 2010 Regional Arts Conference in Launceston.  Worked in collaboration with the Tasmanian Aboriginal Elders Working Group, school children, local choirs, and cultural organisations from Launceston.


2008 Coordinator, Djerrip Festival, Vic

Coordinated the involvement of Indigenous and Non Indigenous artists. Liaised with media, production scheduling, and venue coordination.


2005 Creative Producer ‘The Silent Landscape’, Opening Ceremony, Big West Festival, Footscray, Vic.

Involving community leaders from cultural organisations from across the western suburbs of Melbourne. A silent walk and welcome to country. Also at Yalukit Willam Ngargee St Kilda, The Village Festival, Fitzroy North.




Current Committee of Management, Growing Abundance, Mount Alexander Shire. 

Growing Abundance brings people together in the Mount Alexander Shire to create a viable local food system through:

• Harvesting backyard produce

• Sharing stories and skills about growing and preserving

food in our region

• Learning about what food security means in practice

• Encouraging a strong local food economy

• Promoting our local farmers

• Cooking and sharing healthy local food.


2015-2016 Director, Committee of Management, Mount Alexander Sustainability Group


2013 - 2015 Chairperson, Castlemaine Circus

Founding Chairperson, in the creation of a new incorporated not for profit organisation offering ongoing youth circus training and employment to local trainers, in response to ongoing demand from the community. Secured successful start up funding, design and marketing of program, liaising with stakeholders, governance.


2011-2013 Company Secretary, Outback Theatre for Young People, NSW




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